Tuesday, May 3, 2011

terjun dari tingkat TIGA- part II

Dah ada mood menulis semula. So kita sambung from previous entry okie..

My husband and I turun ke ground level to search for Eduardo. Kami pergi ke arah bawah balkoni rumah to make sure E-dodo tidak mati terhempas. I did ask one of the neighbour, tapi mesti lah our neighbour tak tahu Eduardo since he is indoor cat. Langsung tak pernah keluar rumah melainkan diangkat dalam carrier..

On the way there, tiba-tiba husband ternampak seekor kucing di bawah sebuah kereta dan tanya saya, "is it him..?" and I said, "yes, it looks like eduardo.." Ya Allah, bersyukur tak terkira kerana Eduardo still alive and did not escape. When he listen to us calling out his name, terus dia keluar dari kereta dan pergi ke arah my husband. Okie.. Eduardo love him more. FINE.

Effect from terjunan itu, muka E-dodo dah tak hensem, ada kesan luka. Mulut sakit kot sebab dah jarang berbunyi. Kaki terseliuh kot sebab dah jarang lari-lari kejar tikus mainan. Other than that, he's fine. Itu apa yang the Vet told us. For the time being, we feed him with the soft food and also ubat dan vitamin..

Mungkin E-dodo tak kan faham, but we love you dearly.. sila lah jangan terjun lagi from the balcony. We are trying to find you a female Bengal as your partner okie..

p/s: dear husband.. me and Eduardo love you dearly =) buy us a female Bengal please. please. please.


OmbakBaik said...

oo naseb tak ilang :D

Roro said...

edodo dah tak hensem ke?apa kata ko bagi aku...hehehe