Wednesday, November 9, 2011

terlalu banyak..?

Is two too many..? I guess yes because one is singular and two is plural. Tak faham?? I mean, two entry in one day?? hehee..

Actually nak menambah from previous post, kan kita tulis yang kita asyik menonton tV dan serf internet jer kan. kan. Rancangan yang kita tengok hari-hari sekarang ni ialah Top chef ;) walaupun itu ialah ulangan dan sudah diketahui pemenangnya, tapi kita layankan jer. hee..

Setiap hari kita akan blog walking dan baca setiap post baru yang ada dalam link kita. Kalau dah habes semua tu, kita akan blog walking pulak link-link yang ada pada blog husband. Opocot! blog husband..? tehehee.. that is suppose to be a SECRET. ermm.. cari lah sendiri yer, husband kita tak kasi reveal the url. sorry.. blog yang kita baca dan blog yang husband kita baca memang totally different. Sebab en.husband mucuk ilmiah sket dari kita. huh.

And... activity kita yang paling latest ialah...... The Sim Social!! Since kita dan deactivate facebook, kita main kat facebook si dia lah. hahaha. boleh gitu?

About the laparoscopic surgery that I've been talking lately, I've been diagnose by the dopter of having bilateral endometriosis. What is it about, you can always google right..? ;) according to Dr. Jaya Balan (an O&G specialist), that might be one of the reason why I did not conceive after one year of marriage. But I believe, that's because of Allah will ;) The endometriosis make my hormone imbalance and infertile. So, the dopter suggest me to remove the cyst before we move to another stage of medication.

This is one of the effort that we made and yang lain nya saya serahkan pada yang maha kuasa. After the surgery, dopter suntik kan ubat hormon supaya kita tak period for 3 month (meaning dalam masa tiga bulan ni kita memang tak akan conceive), to make sure the womb fully recover. Selain daripada tu, kita and husband, parent kita dan in laws kita semua berdoa sewaktu orang wukuf di Arafah tempoh hari. Semoga Allah perkenankan doa-doa kami ;)

and I have an appoinment with Dr. Jaya Balan this Friday to remove the plaster they have on me. hehee..

p/s: hopefully this post answer all the question that you might have in your head. Sebarang pertanyaan, do not hesitate to ask coz I dont mind to share ok..


OmbakBaik said...

oo cmtu..okey da faham..macam ilya bace dalam magzine wanita kalu tak clap..sharifah shahora pon ade buat cm ni...

ilya doakan amy sehat2 k..moga dipermudahkan olehNYa segala urusan..

enjoy ur holidayZzzzzz

rasp said...

ooooo baru faham...
smoga doamu itu dimakbulkanNya, insyaAllah....
take care ya...

JEFRIZAL said...

eh...baru aku perasan... sudah tidak ada...amboi ada blog baru x habaq kat x housemate aih...

Alyza Fisol said...

mia...take good care of yourself k...semoga doa2 mu diperkenankan olehNya...

be strong dear...