Friday, February 13, 2009


Dear anonymous.. Please..please..please leave me alone. I don't need any advise or sympathy at the moment..

I havent break-up with my dear mr.khairul for your information. If that what you are hoping for, I am sorry because i never give up and I am not going to giving up my 5 years relationship just like that..

Either me or him never stop loving each other.. Could you please leave us with our life?? There's many thing you don't know. You judge me by reading not even a page of my post and u assume that we are not happy?

I don't mean to make enemy but right now I do really really really HATE you!

1 comment:

JEFRIZAL said...

ler...wujud lagi anonymous tu...sapa la anonymous yg berhati BUSUK dan berhasad DENGKI tu!!! sungguh kurang ajaq kamu wahai anonymous....PEROSAK HUBUNGAN ORANG!!! aku sebagai kawan bersimpati dan rasa mcm nk penerajang la anonymous ni...