Thursday, April 28, 2011


Kadang kala, kita nak sangat update blog.. then bila kita start nak type, tetiba jer rasa macam I couldnt put it into words.. or kadang kala dah tulis pun few lines, then rasa macam mati idea.. so terus tak publish dan terperam je kt draft kan.. So, this time, kita nak share apa yang terperam dalam draft tu =)

"Macam nak share something..
but I am so sleepy.."

"Banyak nya perkara dalam kepala sekarang..
Penat nya bekerja, setiap hari pun rasa macam tak cukup tidor dan rehat..
Bila kita beritahu dia yang kita buat double job, dia gelak kan kita pulak.
Rasa macam mahu quit salah satu kerja tapi macam tak sampai hati nak turn someone down.
Lagipun, macam tolak rezeki jer kan?
Kenapa rasa macam menulis tapi tiada soul eh..??"

"Kadang aku tak mampu kuat lagi. Kadang ku cuba gagah kan diri..
Hidup bukan semudah lirik lagu Aishiteru, "bila kau rindu pejamkan matamu..Dan rasa kan a... a... ku...."
Allah tak akan menguji hambanya di luar kemampuan kan. Aku sedar dengan warasnya dan selalu ingatkan diri. Jauh dari suami adalah satu ujian dari Allah. Dan Allah hanya akan uji orang2 yang kuat kan.."

"What a Monday...
Sometimes I do feel that I'm having mood disorders. Ke sebab PMS or aging eh??"

Itu hanya a few jer.. banyak lagi actually.. Memang kita rasa kita tulis macam dah takde soul sekarang. Merepek jer. Atas faktor aging kah?? btw, kita tahu lagu Aishiteru tu pun sebab husband tag the video to my FB. Then, bila kita tanya dia, why he tag me. Husband cakap saja nak kasi kita dengar.
Guys with EGO. Susahnya dia nak mengaku yang lirik tu is how he feel about me. haish..

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Are you Hygenic?

Eduardo is currently with me at my parent's place.
Hari ni E-dodo sangat lah sombong, langsung tak kasi saya pegang dia.
Reason: dia baru lepas jilat-jilat bulu. Feeling bersih dan hygenic abes lah tu.
Bila saya pegang, sanggup jilat-jilat semula body part dia yang terkena pegangan tangan I tu. Tangan kita BERSIH lah E-dodo.

budak yang perasan hygenic

E-dodo balik Ipoh pun for a reason.
We want him to mating sebab nampak macam dh remaja yang akil baligh.
So kita pinjam la a female persian cat from one of my relative..
Letak dalam sangkar berdua-duaan.
teng.. teng.. teng..
The female cat sangat lah garang nya..
E-dodo pun sama naik garang jugak. Buat bunyi menderam macam nak gaduh tu..
So the first day, kita pisahkan diaorang.
Seorang (oopSy! seekor yer) kat sangkar belah atas dan seekor lagi di bawah..
Dengan harapan they can recognise each other and start dating.
Tapi hari ni sudah hari ke 5, masih takde perubahan.

Masih tak pernah nampak mereka bersama.
Masih tetap di posisi yang sama.
Seekor di atas dan seekor di bawah.
Padahal boleh je salah seekor nak naik atau turun berkenalan with each other kan..
Should I give up??
or maybe.. Eduardo is not ready to mate yet.
or... E-dodo doesnt like the persian cat..
or.. E-dodo is a FEMALE cat??? Jap!! nak pegi check. huh.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Conversation 1
him: Hopefully awak dapat transfer this time..

me: Why? You miss me all the time is it..? (sambil senyum kambing)

him: It's quite sunyi without you at home. Eventhough you can be so annoying sometimes..

me: yer.. yer.. Berdoa banyak-banyak okie =)

Conversation 2
me: I'm applying for transfer and I hope you will approve it.

her: To where and why?

me: To *uTr****a because I wanna live with my husband.

her: how many years have you been teaching here?

me: It's my 3rd year.

her: oo.. not even FIVE years yet. What do you teach?

me: Mathematics Form 4 and Form 5.

her: Form 5.. it's quite difficult coz you teach form 5. Maybe I'll approve it for the end of the year.

me: hmm.......

her: Do you have child?

me: No. but that's one of the reason. I want a child so badly but our chances to get the baby is low since we are not living together.

her: I'll look through your application. I'll still submit it but just see how it goes.

me: thank you.

Mesti boleh teka kan conversation tu terjadi antara siapa. Pray hard.. Berdoa.. Semoga 'her' menyokong my application dan saya mendapat transfer dekat dengan 'him'. She is a woman, tak kan tak faham perasaanya berjauhan daripada husband kan..

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Danke Allah..

Ich bin mit einer erstaunlichen Mann, der mich am besten verstehen, die immer da sind, wenn immer ich ihn brauche und wer liebt mich bedingungslos gesegnet. Selbst wenn ich in meinen schlimmsten Zustand ..

Ich danke Allah für dieses Wunder =)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Beyoncé - Halo

What a Monday.. Just cant keep going without him by my side..

Just like Beyonce said, "You're the only one that I want..Think I'm addicted to your light.."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

hard to really understand.

siapa yang saya hendak tipu sebenarnya, diri sendiri atau orang lain? Pretending to be hepI and okay all the time but actually there's hurt and pain somewhere inside my heart..

I can keep my chin high and smile all day but cried inside. Sometimes people can be so MEAN. They purposely or coincidentally comparing without noticing that the other party feel hurt with the word they said.

Do they feel satisfy by hurting others??