Monday, April 25, 2011


Conversation 1
him: Hopefully awak dapat transfer this time..

me: Why? You miss me all the time is it..? (sambil senyum kambing)

him: It's quite sunyi without you at home. Eventhough you can be so annoying sometimes..

me: yer.. yer.. Berdoa banyak-banyak okie =)

Conversation 2
me: I'm applying for transfer and I hope you will approve it.

her: To where and why?

me: To *uTr****a because I wanna live with my husband.

her: how many years have you been teaching here?

me: It's my 3rd year.

her: oo.. not even FIVE years yet. What do you teach?

me: Mathematics Form 4 and Form 5.

her: Form 5.. it's quite difficult coz you teach form 5. Maybe I'll approve it for the end of the year.

me: hmm.......

her: Do you have child?

me: No. but that's one of the reason. I want a child so badly but our chances to get the baby is low since we are not living together.

her: I'll look through your application. I'll still submit it but just see how it goes.

me: thank you.

Mesti boleh teka kan conversation tu terjadi antara siapa. Pray hard.. Berdoa.. Semoga 'her' menyokong my application dan saya mendapat transfer dekat dengan 'him'. She is a woman, tak kan tak faham perasaanya berjauhan daripada husband kan..

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